Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A ruff photo shoot

Soooo…I got inspired by this picture that I found on a blog…it’s an adorable dog in a little scarf enjoying fall.

So of course I think I have to take pictures like this of Beasley and Memphis. I will say Memphis was a pretty good model but Beasley was of course rotten…I finally got some but they don’t look near as happy as the cute little dog in the picture…how did they do that??


Chewing on his props....

This was my best shot of Weasel...he looks very noble.

Sweet little Memphie in my stocking cap

The scarf is a little feminine but it's all I had to work with

So there's my dog shoot...hopefully Christmas will bring another. By the way, I was trying very hard to think of a good dog/modeling pun for my title and I kept going blank. I love puns and I just couldn't think of much...Leave me a comment and give me some good ones!


  1. I LOVE the "ruff photo shoot"...I think your pun is perfect! the pics are precious! Now I want to go home and take pics of franklin like this...I KNOW he wont cooperate though!

  2. can't think of any clever puns for you, but this is such a cute post! :)

  3. this post made me laugh. I'm picturing the dogs running around everywhere and you trying to keep their accessories on while snapping a quick photo. and your pun is awesome!

  4. lol, oh sister, you really need a job that gets you out of the house more...

  5. Thanks guys! and yes...I do need to get out of the house more...but not until after I get some great shots of them for Christmas cards! : )
