Thursday, November 18, 2010

It's time to eat the shrimp!

After much preparation, the shrimp boil commenced. In a matter of minutes, 10 pounds of shrimp, 9 pounds of potatoes, 24 pieces of corn, 16 pounds of wings and too many desserts to count were gone! That's a lot of food! The pictures didn’t turn out wonderful because we ate outside this year, but it was a good time!

Everyone chowing down

Taking a break from stuffing our faces

Enjoying a little cuddle time by the fire

Gotta keep that beard clean

And delicious dessert yum!!

Can't wait until the next one!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

A ruff photo shoot

Soooo…I got inspired by this picture that I found on a blog…it’s an adorable dog in a little scarf enjoying fall.

So of course I think I have to take pictures like this of Beasley and Memphis. I will say Memphis was a pretty good model but Beasley was of course rotten…I finally got some but they don’t look near as happy as the cute little dog in the picture…how did they do that??


Chewing on his props....

This was my best shot of Weasel...he looks very noble.

Sweet little Memphie in my stocking cap

The scarf is a little feminine but it's all I had to work with

So there's my dog shoot...hopefully Christmas will bring another. By the way, I was trying very hard to think of a good dog/modeling pun for my title and I kept going blank. I love puns and I just couldn't think of much...Leave me a comment and give me some good ones!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Headlamp Success

I’m very excited to show off my new headlamp. I mentioned to Jamie that I would really like one so that I can read in bed…forget regular lamps. He exceeded my expectations and I received a headlamp complete with floodlights, spotlights and night vision, I’m sure all of those settings will come in very handy. Already tried it out, and I couldn’t be happier!