Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Tasty Barrels

Where in the world did August go?! It's September 1st and I am thrilled that fall is right around the corner! Last fall was one of my favorites pits, reading good books, grandpa sweaters (which I just can't get away from), the farmer's market in St. Louis, turkey facts and of course...candy corn!! I am looking forward to all that and more this fall. This weekend is promising some cooler weather...80's! I can't even imagine being able to walk the dogs during the middle of the day and not's the small things that put a smile on my face.

Jamie and I started August off with an amazing trip to California and I have to write all about it! We love traveling because we always grow closer to each other and to God when we're able to experience and see new things. It was so nice to get away and spend some alone time not working or worrying and we also got to spend some time with family...who just happened to be there too! It was so great getting to know our little niece better..I think I still have ring around the posies stuck in my head :)

Jamie and his brother Bobby tried surfing and really got the hang of it by the last day! Haley and I were able to sneak away and go shopping and we all went to a great farmers market and tried some delicious, fresh foods. We also went to the US Open of Surfing for a couple of hours which was such a fun experience. This trip also allowed me to conquer my fear of the ocean thanks to Jamie yelling "swim under the wave...NOW!" I panicked every time I saw one coming toward me on the first day.

We did some shopping and explored, visited San Diego, got to go to some good restaurants, watch an Angel's game and enjoy the beach everyday. I still miss that cool weather but hopefully we'll enjoy that soon in Oklahoma. We also went to an amazing store and I almost had a panic attack (not exaggerating) because I loved everything in sight! It was full of adorable fabrics, bedding, pillows...I could go on and on about that was amazing.

One of the best memories of the trip is accompanied by a very awful picture and a funny story.
Although this looks like a small dot that could be anything, it was actually a seal! The last day of the trip, Jamie and I woke up early to sit on the beach one more time. That's when he noticed a seal popping it's head up really close to the shore right in front of us! It was such an amazing experience and I just felt like God had put that little guy right there just for us to see. Later he kept swimming back and forth in front of us and I realized I never got a picture of him. That's when I had a brilliant idea to chase him down the beach as he was swimming off. I was sprinting and waving and looking like a goof and then I realized I was halfway down the beach and completely out of breath...and this is the only picture I got ha! I don't need a picture though because I know it's something I'll always remember!

I'll have to blog again soon and write about everything that's happened since we've been back and write about my excitement for fall! Yahooo!